Boundaries feel confusing?

It's intentional.

Take my Embody Your Boundaries Course to understand WHY and what to do about it.



  • Adults (25+) ready to manifest liberated and joyful lives aligned to ones' purpose.

  • Couples ready to consciously partner inter-dependently, equitably, and joyfully.

  • Groups providing a brave space to re-member who you really are by fostering and modeling authentic community, accountability, and encouragement.

  • Executives who want to 10x their impact.

Boundary Coaching has three stages...

1. Boundary Assessment: You and I become detectives and piece together your psychological and emotional boundaries based on your childhood, your family of origin history contextualized in world history, and how it lines up with societal expectations.

2. Boundary Healing: Together, we actively replace old harmful belief systems with new ones that align to your highest good. We also consider differing perspectives in order to build appropriate empathy, contextualize trauma, and hold compassionate accountability for self and others.

3. Boundary Integration: Think of this stage as alchemizing generational trauma into a life you and your ancestors would be proud of. Here, you put together your new understanding of your sense of Self with the skills in my Boundary Awareness Method™. The natural result is a joyfully embodied way of living, regardless of your environment or situation. Safety and unconditional love from the inside out.



Let's figure that out together. No obligation. No strings.


While everyone is welcome, I commit to prioritizing my work to serve those identifying as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color, as well as those within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Long-lasting changes are difficult if we ignore the root issue, which can include previous trauma or neglect, challenging relationships with caregivers, negative thought forms, generational patterns, etc. All of this is set in the larger context of systems of oppression in which we are all indoctrinated (capitalism, racism, patriarchy, homo/transphobia, ableism, etc.).

While it is important to explore the root of the issue, it is also important to continue building skills to achieve the goals set in our work together.

"My goal is not to help you just cope in this dysfunctional world, but to unlearn toxic beliefs so you can learn to thrive in the life you were meant to live."

As a Boundary Coach, I engage in my client's process by offering different perspectives to consider. In our work together, I provide education and skill building to process trauma, unearth toxic belief systems, and empower clients to make internal shifts towards wholeness.

Remember: You Are Enough

During my interview with @The Vibe With Ky I shared the foundation of all of my work with my clients: There is nothing wrong with you. Your job is to listen to your body as it helps guide you to your wholeness -- your embodied authenticity.


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Judy Hu Counseling & Coaching

2557 Massachusetts Ave,

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

United States


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